K, so we are watching this show called "Prototype This", which is really cool - a show with a bunch of geniuses who come up with futuristic ideas then build them, and then they show them off - sometimes without even having a full test run of their invention - in front of a full audience.
It's pretty neat.
So I'm stealing it's title structure and writing today on "Love This", lol!
Anyway, so that's where my brain is haha!
It's been a great weekend.
First, Friday night, we went to my parents' house and hung out with them and my sis and her family, and Robert and his girlfriend, Merit. Then, we did dinner - Robert and Merit had to head out to dance class - we had Nachos. Yummy! Watched a little bit of tv, then did Chocolate Covered Strawberries - nom nom! Then, Tom and I headed back to the house, watched Charlie Bartlett.
Saturday morning, we woke up kind of late, played a little "Words with Friends" lol! Then headed to US Pizza Co for lunch and it was fantastic!! Then, we stopped at a yard sale - i found some FANTASTIC black and white dining room chairs, $25 each, but I just couldn't justify it. Besides, it's for a short table, we have a pub table. lol. I wanted them though lol... but we didn't get them lol!
After that we hit up Best Buy, that was fun! I found out that Apple does all of their own software - lol. I know this probably sounds dumb to people who HAVE a Mac, but this is the first I've ever really had experience for it. lol! But I was amazed at how FEW programs there are for Macs... but the programs they have are pretty all-inclusive.
After Best Buy, we went by TCBY and got frozen yogurt (i got mint chocolate chip, and Tom got a parfait with coffee yogurt and white chocolate mouse haha). Then, we headed to the beer store, then home.
We ordered and picked up pizza and wings from Pizza Hut. I've never had wings before - they were FIRE! Then, we spent the evening together, drinking our beers, and watching movies, and just hanging out.
Sunday, I woke up kinda early - well earlier than Saturday lol! I started out cleaning up the kitchen, taking out trash, etc. fun fun, right? Not so much... Oh well, then, I started some laundry, then went to take a shower. After I got out of the shower, Tom got up, he showered, then we sat down on the bed and played "Words with Friends" for a couple hours! lol! Yes, I said hours. haha!
Around noon, we got up and started getting ready to head out to meet Ashley for lunch. Jason's Deli - I forgot how much I missed eating at Jason's... it is soooo friggen good! The only problem we had was it was packed! Worse than that, there were ungrateful teenagers at the next table acting like little prissy assed kids. I just really have a problem with ungrateful kids - if your parents are buying your lunch, you should at least help mom carry the tray of food to your table - not make her balance 6 plates at one time.
Ehh, we had to leave, because none of us - Ashley, Tom, nor myself are quiet. Lol!! We are quite verbal when it comes to dumb kids haha! So we left, and went to Starbucks on Chenal. Not a good experience. I was kind of pissed at one point, because at one point, they just set down our cups, and no one was working on them... it was like they forgot them... Which is frustrating, because there were not a lot of customers, and it wasn't like they accidentally forgot to work on one or two of the drinks and they started working on the customer's drink that was behind us. No, the guy just absolutely stopped working on drinks and didn't tell anyone he just didn't feel like making any more drinks. Ass. Oh well, the manager felt really bad - she wound up finishing our drinks, and we got coupons for free drinks. and she was going off on the guy. but I don't think he really understood what was going on, I don't think he spoke English well. Oh well. We had a good time cracking jokes. Then, we got Ashley hooked on Words with Friends lol! and we played for a couple of hours haha! That was a lot of fun!
After Starbucks, we said bye to Ashley - and headed back to the house. Now we're watching more "Prototype This." lol
Plans for this evening? Not a darn thing... just hanging out. Gotta cook fajitas here soon. Plus, I'm running laundry... fun fun.
I hope you all are enjoying your weekend!
<3 Jess